Change (A Remix poem)
Obstacles and addictions,
break just to reveal
everyone wants.
tear apart control
have your ego
Your walls-Too painful.
Soul mates,
another layer of yourself
transform your life
desperate and out
smack you awake.
own attention so true
perfect new light
purpose is a mirror
brings you to you
who show you everything
holding you
they come into you
make you live
show you your soul
Your heart open
so change your life.
Meet, because they tear you
choose either a source text that already exists in digital form, or a printed text that you’re willing to type out. Next, navigate to The Text-Mixing Desk at The Lazarus Corporation (, paste your text, adjust the controls and click “Start the Mix!”
Copy down the result exactly as it comes out of the Text Mixing Desk. Repeat the mixing process with additional sections of text if you want a longer language bank to work with.
Craft your poem from the results using words IN THE ORDER they appear in the original. You may delete words but not reorder them.
Credit your source text at the bottom of your post.