Love Struck
I saw your face through the crowd of insignificants.
We locked eyes in that moment connected in an instant, forever more.
My head on your chest, hearing your heart like a drum beat in my head.
Pinned there, to the back wall of my mind,
weighted down with Cupid’s own arrow.
Every heart break, every break up has lead me
to these moments with you, these new feelings,
mirrored in your eyes. I look at you and find my future.
I see my long lost dreams coming true.
I know i can find sweetness here, and strength too.
Safety in your arms for moments of being small.
The freedom to fly in your heart,
knowing your will soar along with me.
What adventures will we find together?
So many things for us to share.
Still new, like a tree just reaching spring.
Life waiting to bound forth, bright and green.