My Whole World is Screaming
My whole world is screaming
— Screaming in Pain
— my body in agony
— torn ligaments
— bones broken down
— nauseous with the sensation
Screaming world, cars, drivers
— fight traffic between doctors
— hot, exhausted, pushing
— pushing my body to do more
— so that maybe I can find relief
Screaming child
— who doesn’t understand
— why mommy can’t pick him up
— why mommy takes so much medicine
— why mommy hurts all the time.
Screaming in fear
— at needles
— at side effects
— at what the future holds
— at finding no end to this nightmare
Screaming in frustration
— that I can’t work
— that I’m trap in brain fog
— that I can’t fix it, fix everything
— pay for everything
Screaming to be heard
— because I am an insurance claim
— I am a number
— I am faceless in a sea of thousands
— thousands who are screaming
Just like me